Let me set the scene. As I write this, I'm in my studio/office with the windows open in late August. The sky is streaked in cotton candy pink and the cicadas are humming. I have a cup of tea brewing and a vintage jazz for summer playlist on. We're slowly approaching good sleeping weather! 

It's the beloved in between. The seasonal shift that slowly starts to happen and then all of a sudden, we find ourselves right in the middle of the next season and we're not sure how it happened. For me, the beginning of summer is marked by seeing the first lightening bugs, annual beach trip and hot afternoons. The end is marked by earlier dinners, cool mornings, and shifting light. 

In recent years, this is how I've welcomed each new season. By trying to be present because it goes so fast. Because I'm lucky enough to live somewhere with four distinct seasons. Instead of running to a big box store to stock up on new decor, I've welcomed the shift by the senses; opening the windows to clear out the stale AC, swapping bed linens and couch pillow covers, lighting seasonal candles, bringing out the heavier blankets, watching seasonal comfort movies. But let me make one thing clear, I am not a minimalist. I mean, you're reading this from a shop that sells goods ha! I like my stuff, it makes me feel at home, comfortable and cozy. When I travel, I can't wait to get back to my creature comforts. But I want that stuff to mean something. There's a reason it makes me feel that way. It's unique, its passed down, we invested in quality. For example, by purchasing a few well-made decorative pillow covers for your couch, prepping for the new season is easy. Simply wash the next seasons cover and you've got a new pillow! 

These are the thoughts I have when I curate and create products for Cozy Merc. I don't want to add clutter to your life but simply make it cozier and more meaningful with products that are made by our neighbors, near and far. 

But until the weather is cool enough, the bedroom will be set to a cool 67 :)

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