No time like to present to look back and reflect on my first holiday season as a small business owner. I feel like I'm finally able to take a breath post holiday (as I gear up for our SPRING collection ha!)

The 2023 holiday season was a whirlwind of creativity, events, hard work, joy and a first trimester! And I just wanted to take a moment to express a heartfelt appreciation. Thank you to all who supported in ways both big and small, not just during the holiday, but all of 2023. 

As we continue to wade into 2024, I am so excited for the creative projects and collections that I have in store for you, your home and your life as we embrace living authentically. Your continued support fuels this passion and little business of mine and I couldn't be more thankful.  

My word for this year is grace and allowing myself a lot of it as I learn to navigate being a new parent and running a small business. I am excited about what this year has in store and to bring a little one along. Thank you for being part of the Cozy Merc. community. Your support means the world because I get to do what I love. I can't wait to share the exciting developments and even more creativity with you this year.



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